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Monday, April 17, 2017

Meet Nolan Heath

Surprise! I had another baby!
When Weston was 18 months old we started talking about having another baby. I knew that I would be returning to the fertility clinic (CCRM) to get another round of fertility medications (Menopur & Clomid) and an IUI again. So in October we had our first visit back, our doctor was very excited and because we knew a combination that worked she set us up for a November cycle. My cycle started and I went in for a ultrasound to make sure we were ready to start meds and I had several cysts on my left ovary. I had to take a month worth of birth control to get the cysts to go away, so our IUI was pushed back to December/January. January 3rd 2016 I went in for my IUI, honestly it didn’t feel right and I was so sure that it was not going to be successful. For some reason I was much more impatient with this process the second time around. 
On January 15Th I woke up at 4am to use the bathroom and I just felt like I needed to take a pregnancy test. So that’s what I did…


Announcement to the world 
We were so excited, but I was also very nervous due to my past miscarriages. Thats the ting with miscarriages, they put a dark cloud over all pregnancies. We took it day by day and were able to see the heartbeat at 6 weeks. Things progressed normally and I was soon ready for my gender ultrasound. I was so torn between wanting a girl or boy. I wanted a brother for Weston but I wanted a girl because we already had a boy. When I was 20 weeks we went in and little brother showed his boy stuff just like his big brother did before. Another BOY!

Because I had Weston 4 weeks early my doctor wanted me to take progesterone shots (Mekena) starting at 14 weeks till 36 weeks. These shots had to be taken right in the butt and they were oil shots so they felt like hard knots under my skin. So not pleasant! Although they sucked they worked I was able to carry Nolan past 36 weeks.

On September 8th at 2:36 in the morning I woke up to serious contractions pain, I got in the bath to see if they would stop and the pain just kept coming. My contractions were about 7 minutes apart at this time. I waited and waited, finally around 4 am I woke Zach up and told him I had been having contractions and I didn’t know what to do (I was totally in denial about being in labor) he told me to call my doctor and ask, so I did. Now the contractions were around 5 minutes apart and pretty powerful, the nurse told me to come in to L&D that I was having a baby today. So we woke Wes up and texted family and headed to the hospital. We arrived around 5:30, they checked me and I was 6 centimeters dilated. 
At 11:37 am Nolan Heath entered the world. He was 6lbs 9oz and 19inches long. He is the perfect addition to our family!

Nolan is now 7 months old and is such a love. His laugh is contagious and he smiles at everyone, he is the happiest baby ever! Weston is the best big brother and you can tell how much both of them love each other.  

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